Budgeted Governmental Funds 2015 Actual 2016 Budget 2017 Budget
Property Taxes $14,766,492 $15,676,751 $16,457,713
Tax Increments 4,017,877 4,348,805 4,494,216
Lodging Taxes 1,075,425 895,000 1,050,000
Franchise Fees 653,648 650,000 689,000
Licenses and Permits 859,534 806,850 728,555
Federal 406,618 1,377,000 1,543,382
State 3,749,346 3,176,326 3,292,800
County 387,328 20,000 20,000
Other Local 205,184 530,000 683,500
Charges for Services 967,707 823,572 844,745
Special Assessments 1,715,169 1,680,414 1,588,180
Fines and Forfeits 291,682 336,500 302,500
Interest on Investments 201,979 174,473 179,281
Miscellaneous 435,588 248,420 293,155
Total Revenues 29,733,577 30,744,111 32,167,027
General Governmental 2,938,436 3,164,383 4,013,633
Public Safety 10,004,475 10,731,363 9,830,429
Streets and Highways 2,031,813 2,256,571 2,903,756
Culture and Recreation 2,790,624 2,794,757 2,714,817
Economic Development 5,269,625 2,447,768 2,961,853
Miscellaneous 585,735 528,518 1,031,654
Capital Outlay 10,475,770 7,670,352 11,813,000
Debt Service
Principal 3,025,000 9,390,000 3,112,497
Interest and Other 953,271 841,812 583,517
Total Expenditures 38,074,749 39,825,524 38,965,156
Other Financing Sources / (Uses)
Transfers In 4,541,584 3,478,081 3,813,829
Bonds Issued 10,016,248 2,231,000 4,270,000
Premium on Bonds Issued 309,809 - -
Transfers Out (4,312,661) (3,122,843) (1,909,809)
Total Other Sources / (Uses) 10,554,980 2,586,238 6,174,020
Increase / (Decrease) in Fund Balance $2,213,808 ($6,495,175) ($624,109)
Total Property Tax Levy to Fund this Budget $15,058,490 $15,676,753 $16,523,993
Notes -
The purpose of this report is to provide summary budget information concerning the City of Brooklyn Center to its interested citizens. The budget is published in accordance with Minnesota Statute Sec. 471.6965. The information presented is not a complete budget. A complete budget can be examined at Brooklyn Center City Hall. This budget was approved by the Brooklyn Center Mayor and City Council on December 5th 2016.
2017 Budgeted Enterprise Funds
Budgeted Enterprise Funds Water Sanitary Sewer Municipal Liquor Centerbrook Golf Earle Brown Heritage Center Storm Drainage Street Lights Recycling 2017 Total 2016 Total
Operating Revenues
Sales and User Charges $3,668,943 $4,358,900 $6,078,037 $241,500 $4,905,555 $1,635,000 $450,500 $360,354 $21,698,789 $20,705,827
Cost of Sales 0 0 (4,466,104) 0 (2,302,570) 0 0 0 (6,768,674) (6,669,646)
Total Operating Revenue 3,668,943 4,358,900 1,611,933 241,500 2,602,985 1,635,000 450,500 360,354 14,930,115 14,036,181
Operating Expenses
Personal Services 556,176 214,244 757,434 143,647 1,235,958 208,755 0 0 3,116,214 3,002,584
Supplies 268,060 32,515 41,700 21,000 242,720 51,540 7,780 150 665,465 511,895
Other Services and Charges 596,288 2,799,077 582,081 76,400 818,898 340,351 44,164 383,278 5,650,537 5,261,445
Insurance 61,327 31,643 16,071 4,295 31,806 1,711 1,185 740 148,778 147,314
Utilities 232,900 39,100 53,500 19,150 217,980 3,500 180,000 0 746,130 766,530
Depreciation 1,812,176 1,020,340 20,782 19,228 188,517 1,297,810 85,183 0 4,444,126 3,921,789
Capital Outlay 4,327,000 2,565,000 85,000 7,000 0 1,709,000 170,000 0 8,863,000 7,774,500
Total Expenses 7,853,927 6,701,919 1,556,568 290,720 2,735,879 3,612,667 488,312 384,168 23,634,250 21,386,057
Nonoperating Items
Interest on Investments 7,982 29,697 13,148 0 10,296 34,894 3,930 951 100,898 74,789
Bond Proceeds 4,262,000 2,060,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 6,322,000 7,126,000
Miscellaneous Revenues 0 0 2,500 9,750 0 0 0 0 12,250 5,250
Debt Service (1,309,448) (283,793) 0 0 0 (18,080) 0 0 (1,611,321) (1,336,766)
Total Nonoperating Items 2,960,534 1,805,904 15,648 9,750 10,296 16,814 3,930 951 4,823,827 5,869,273
Net Income / (Loss) (1,224,450) (537,115) 71,013 (39,470) (122,598) (1,960,853) (33,882) (22,863) (3,880,308) (1,480,603)
Transfers In 0 0 0 45,000 0 0 0 0 45,000 260,000
Transfers Out 0 0 (100,000) 0 (300,000) 0 0 0 (400,000) (350,000)
Changes in Net Position (1,224,450) (537,115) (28,987) 5,530 (422,598) (1,960,853) (33,882) (22,863) (4,235,308) (1,570,603)
Notes -
The purpose of this report is to provide summary budget information concerning the City of Brooklyn Center to its interested citizens. The budge is published in accordance with Minnesota Statute Sec. 471.6965. The information presented is not a complete budget. A complete budget can be examined at Brooklyn Center City Hall. This budget was approved by the Brooklyn Center Mayor & City Council on December 5, 2016.
Published in the
Brooklyn Center Sun Post
January 12, 2017